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A biography of Antoni Gaudi

Fast Track Sagrada Familia Private Tour


The life of Antoni Gaudi is full of interesting stories, bright moments and inspirational creations. If he hadn’t been working in Barcelona, the city wouldn’t be what it’s now. His architecture, way beyond his time, attracts people from all over the world and make the city a standout as something unique and different from any other city in Europe. In this Gaudi biography we’ll go through the architect’s life story, from his childhood in the countryside to this death run over by a tramway, highlighting the crucial moments in his life that inspired changes in his architecture and personality.

He was a prolific architect and designer, and mentioning every single one of Antoni Gaudi works and furniture pieces would take much more than the scope of this post, but we’ll do go over the timeline of this most famous works and see who were the most important people in his life and what kind of relationship they had.


Early life of Gaudi

The life of Antoni Gaudi starts on a June 25 1852, when he’s born in Riudoms, a rural area south of Barcelona and near Tarragona. However, there’s no birth certificate to prove that, there’s only a baptism certificate that states that he was baptized in the church of Sant Pere Apòstol in Reus, a larger town close to Riudoms, the next day. This has let to small controversy, as people from Reus claim that Gaudi was born there instead, and Gaudi actually wrote Reus as his birthplace in official documents, but said he was born in Riudoms in informal conversations.

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